It's amazing how the virus has most individuals in a state of mind to be safe and social distance is a global norm. The US has a plan to reopen and PORTUGAL has rolled out an actual three step plan for the countries reopen success. Even though we have all of this reopening going on there are rising levels of devastation for the following: employment, loss and grief, depression, debt and more. Which is something that goes unaddressed on the mass market and main stream news.
So, let's tackle the not so often talked about topic. First, why do we all stay so quiet? According to: Rethink Mental Illness negative thinking is a pattern of thinking negatively about yourself and your surroundings. The process of regurgitating negative behavior leads to mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, manic depressive disorder and more. It takes a Psychological hold on the human brain faster and for a longer period of time than positive memories and behaviors. So, even if someone told you something positive the negative will be your primary compartmentalize response until you learn to balance them out. We all know being thought of as positive and refreshing is what most of us would like to be considered. It's very rare that the outlaw of the bunch gets the highest thoughts of their peers. That's just the way it goes. Next, how long will it take to achieve this balance.
The general rule of thumb for any habit to be formed or broken it will take whatever amount of time it took to obtain and one half to break it. Well there in lies the struggle. The pandemic hit in the US so suddenly that their was no time to form an affirmed point of view. Most of the opinions that are formed around it are based on word of mouth and mainstream media can only cover the current information. Most times the status updates on that information doesn't get reported of they don't have time to address it on the news. Let's be honest nobody likes to sit and watch the news 24-7 to decide how they feel about a pandemic. So you generally hear what part of the information that you can or want to and proceed to make thoughts behaviors and attitude around that and the experiences that you have in your day to day activities related to the condition. Here's where the virtual market can actually become our friend.
In the virtually driven social media lead market you can choose to listen to the topic, genre and timing of the information your mind and body is interested in at any given time. So, if you are not interested in pandemic informed communication you can easily find a million other topics to delve into that suit your fancy. The other amazing thing about a virtually driven marketplace is that you can usually find someone speaking live about whatever comes to mind while its actually in your mind. Which makes having a good attitude about life and the negativity that we all see on a day to day bases an amazing experience. So, in this stay home vibe driven by the pandemic and lead by virtual communication flow timeliness is really not a huge subject. So, I would encourage the use of electronic devices to support positive thought pattern and self motivating information until the government tells us to do otherwise and we can start reconvening with one one other in a socially acceptable manner.