Back to school, college, and regular corporate work for the average American family. Most institutes of higher education and public schools have been prepared to function with the new COVID-19 social distance and mask mandates. Most drug stores are offering tests and vaccinations on a walk-in basis. A lot of stay at home parents are suffering from what's called empty nest syndrome and are looking into hobbies or something that will help take their mind off of being in the home by themselves.Some are checking the cable listing for a new television lineup that's not G-rated. There are a number of small business owners who lost significant income due to three pandemic that are still brainstorming how to get things back up and running or maintaining their customer base considering the reinforcement of mask mandates in some privately owned and public places.
Overall, there are clear and concise signals that the world is taking a step to get back to some normal everyday life. However, for those business owners whose industries have been deemed non-essential because of the product and /or service that they provide. These can be very frustrating times times. Depending on how long your expenses have been growing and your income has been decreasing you could honestly feel as though going out of business is your only option. So, were going to take time and offer some suggestions on some steps tht\at you can take to help you stay encouraged and positive during your professional and/or career hardship. First, start your creative engine with a vision board por starting a pinterest page. You can even create a mission statement that you can post and see each and every day to keep you motivated. Be sure to include a term or photo that reminds you of the difficulty in contrast to the things that you dream or expect out of your business or professional service. Post it somewhere in your home, office or designated to complete your work in. If you don’t have a specific place yet; start there because it is essential to your business success. You create a space where you “call your own '' so to speak. It helps you stay focused on the professional task that you have at hand to complete and it can serve as a hiding place you go when things are going so well and you know your colleagues, friends, loved ones just wont understand. Next, get with an association or organization that can help you grow in areas that you need to strengthen your skills in. If you don’t know, check your local chamber of commerce, the small business administration website or Forbes online resources. This is a great way to get to know the up and coming trends in your industry. You can also reach out to other business owners and expect to build your support network. Wish is an excellent resource for the final thing that you can use to stay positive and encouraged. Which is seeking partnerships with other local enterprises. Often when the economy slows down we get caught up on the lost income and don’t think to expand on what we actually have available. For example, if you own a salon or day spa and your client base has dropped for whatever reason, you might consider going to your local shopping mall and take a look at whos renting a kiosk in the walk paths Their will be definitely be someone you can prospect to come in for a few days a week to consider seeking grants funding as a partnership with. At any rate here are just a few simple tips to keep you motivated in this COVID-19 driven economy, stay encouraged and keep positivity first.