“If you could say one thing to the entire world at once, what would it be and why?”
Dear World,
I am at a loss for words for how to express how disgusted I am with your so called mission driven control tactics that breed hatred, discord and a new generation of greed that willdo anything to men, women, children, businesses, families, and partnerships alike. The acronym focused vocabulary that hides behind loose lip coloqlioisms that disguise the demise and deep seated lazy anger that you use to fuel your obnoxious moment in time in the quest for dominion over liberal intellectuals that are by far greater in wisdom, insight, production, collaboration, forgiveness and organic success. I'm tired of the lie you tell when you say money rules the world. Be honest for petes sake and admit that you're ruled by hatred, crime, rape, music and entertainment. Anyone that believes in a higher spiritual power has been officially deemed worthless and taking up oxygen in the air. Your selfish desire to confine the beauty of Independence, success, financial security, corporate advancement and spiritual balance